Tag Archives: Indiana Jones

‘Star Wars – Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader’ – Chapter 51

29 Nov

Another crazy busy week, but things are starting to look up.  Especially considering that I moved back into my classroom as of today and I got almost all of my shopping done for Christmas for my wife today as well.  As if things weren’t good enough yet, the kids got a chance to watch the “Indiana Jones” series with me today.  Apparently they haven’t watched the whole series yet.  I don’t know how they could live in my house without having watched those movies!  Anyway, lots happened this week, so let me take it one day at a time yet again.

On Saturday, Heather had to work in the morning and later found out she had to work that night as well, right up until the time it was time for the orchestra to go on.  Luckily, she made it over to East Middle School in time to watch the BCO Orchestra and she event made it there in time to hear my off stage solo.  We got the auditorium back together for my classes this past week.  Even though I only had a few more days in the auditorium, I couldn’t afford to not teach during that time frame.  I had to make sure that I could get my classroom back together on the stage.  We did that in record time and then headed to the cafeteria and had a great time at our social.  On Sunday, the kids had orchestra and I continued to watch some TV and try to catch up on last weekend’s TV watching by watching things like “Undercover Boss” , “Grimm”, and “Dracula” and started to get caught up on my favorite shows.  I even watched the St. Louis Rams game live today.  That doesn’t happen very often.  Monday was a typical work day.  I had work and it was a half day and on the second half of the day, I headed over to West Middle School and worked on our curriculum and pre and post tests for school.  On Tuesday I went to work and was able to come home and relax on Tuesday night.  I worked on getting together some podcasts and then started to work on projects in the shop.  In particular, I worked on Gonk.  I am hoping to have him done by the end of this long weekend.  That’s the hope anyway.

Wednesday was a day that I had off from school.  I got a lot done on Wednesday.  Gonk started to get a full on paint job and I started to work on some Mando weapons that Gary wanted me to make for his Mandalorian costume.  He had a great concept for some prop guns and I think they are going to look spectacular when they are done.  Heather went out to work and on her way home, she picked up some groceries for Thursday’s Thanksgiving dinner.  Thursday was Thanksgiving and it was a day to try and relax and get things done at home.  I continued to work on Gonk while I watched the football games.  One of the games was a blow out, the other game was an actual game with some cliffhangers and all.  Then that night we kept up the Crissman family tradition and sat down as a family and watched “National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”.  But we all went to bed early on Thursday because we knew today would be a rough day.

Then there was Friday.  Today was crazy busy, but all in good ways!  We got up at six o’clock this morning.  And while everyone else was fighting the crowds to get the best Christmas gifts for their loved ones, my loved ones were helping me move back into my classroom so I can start class with a smooth transition on Monday.  Not only were we able to set up my room and a majority of my posters and put things back together.  I was very happy and it we got it all done in about four hours, which has got to be some kind of record!  Meanwhile, Heather had work for a majority of the day.  So, the youngest two kids decided to go Christmas shopping with me.  We dropped Ruth off to work and then headed out into the shopping world.

It was crazy shopping out there on Black Friday.  But, we got some good deals and I think my wife is going to be extremely happy with all the gifts we found for her.  Both big and small.  I will say that for the first time since we have been shopping, we were able to stay local and find all of the items we were looking for, which is a small miracle.  We usually end up going to Syracuse or Scranton.  But we didn’t have to today.  We got all that done plus some extra shopping for my wife.  We came home and Heather had ordered pizza from Bella’s Pizza.  We finished eating pizza and then went downstairs and watched “Indiana Jones And The Temple of Doom” and “Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark” while we wrapped Christmas gifts.

Okay, let’s talk about Chapter 51 of “Star Wars – Dark Lord: The Rise of Darth Vader” by James Luceno……

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